Food Poisoning

Everything seemed fine when you were enjoying your meal – but it’s been a few hours, and something is definitely wrong. If you’re not already experiencing nausea, vomiting, chills, or other unpleasant symptoms of food poisoning, you can feel them coming on slowly.

Suffering from food poisoning that is not your fault can be infuriating. Mostly caused by foodborne illnesses and negligent disregard for allergies, food poisoning can last anywhere from a few hours to several days, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe and resulting in unforeseen medical bills, lost time from work, and, of course, needless suffering. In more serious cases, food poisoning can be fatal.

If you have suffered from food poisoning at the fault of another, contact our Florida food poisoning attorney as soon as possible. Together, we can identify and pursue the responsibly party and fight for what is right.